Thursday, March 31, 2011

This is just BAAAAAD!!!!

In honor of Rebecca Black having the most disliked video on Youtube, I've decided to make a list of some truly horrible songs. Thank you to Sam and Josue for exposing me to these. They are just too much.

1) Attack Attack! Stick Stickly
Try and make it through the whole video because the transition and the dance are just too much.

2) brokeNCYDE Freaxxx
I can't get through this one. Bad hair, bad music, guys in pink, white guys rapping, bad quality video....and that's just what I gathered from the first two minutes of a 4 minute long song.

3) Complete Hoogie-Boogie Land
I didn't even bother watching the video because I was too busy writing this. But the few frames that I caught....Oh dear God. This is what happens when 40 year old red-necks have a midlife crisis, get together and form a band. Apparently, you can watch their whole set!

4) Torsofuck Raped by Elephants
This is upset stomach music. I call it screamo but Sam gets mad at me every time I do that because screamo is a genre and not every song that has upset stomach noises is screamo. Apparently to differentiate you have to listen to the instruments. I can't. The sounds offend my inner ear.

5) I won't torture you anymore! Hell, I'm not going to torture me anymore. I value my hearing too much and my poor little brain that has to process the sound waves coming from my poor abused speakers.

All of a sudden, Rebecca Black's song doesn't seem so bad anymore. It's all of a sudden catchy, innocent, and fun.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What is Art?

This question was first posed to me my senior year of high school in a class called "Theory of Knowledge". Surely, I'd heard that question before, but it was at that time that I was encouraged to really think about it.
I'm currently majoring in English and theatre and have worked in a number of productions and been an audience member since I was a child. I took a class in art history my spring semester of my freshman year of college as well. My mom has taken me to some of the most prominent art museums in New York and Washington D.C., I danced ballet for 13 years, I also took salsa, swing, hip-hop, and tap. I took piano lessons for 8 years. In short, I fancy myself 'cultured' and 'well-rounded' and a huge supporter of the arts.
It occurred to me today as I was in tech rehearsals for "The Madwoman of Challiot" what art is. Now, please note that this is my personal definition but discussion is welcomed wholeheartedly.
"Art is inspiration seized, molded, and presented in some tangible way."
Everybody has those flashes of ideas. That's inspiration. However, not everyone can recognize the potential of that idea, or they don't know how to express it, they don't have the time to develop it, or they don't have the motivation, etc. Now the person who does recognize the potential of the idea (let's call him/her 'the artist') and knows how to express it in some medium (paint, sculpture, writing, music, dance, theatre etc) has to be able to hold onto this flash and mold it to get at the essence of the idea. Imagine a movie that is trying to portray some theme but gets bogged down because of bad execution in whatever aspect. In much the same way, the artist has to make his art leave out all the unnecessary details, all the fluff that gets in the way of showing the idea. Writers spend countless hours laboring over just the right word.
Art has to be shared. It cannot be locked up and hidden from the world. For me, the wonderful thing about art is that anybody can experience it and have some kind of emotional reaction. It's such a communal and humanistic aspect of our lives. Indeed, I believe the production of art in any way, shape, or form is what separates us from all the other animal species in the world. It was Jules Verne who thought of air travel, submarines, and space travel before the technology had been invented. Artist dream of things for the human race to achieve- be it peace, submarines, equality, or a new perspective. There really is no limit to what the human mind can dream.

Thank you for reading my ramblings. I wish I had a picture to post along with this blog. If I find something, I'll post it. Please comment below and let me know your opinions.