As opposed to a romantic song list, I've decided to post up a list of songs for a very particular person. Instead of using their names, I'm going to use a code name which also so happen to be their signature songs.
Dear Lose Control-
Hot 'N' Cold by Katy Perry. I hate this song and all its obnoxious glory much like I hate your confounding sentiments. One day you say you're falling for me, then I don't hear from you. You say you want me and then leave me hanging. I don't know if it's because you're stoned when you tell me these things, or if it's because you're stoned that you don't follow through.
You're Not Sorry by Taylor Swift. I've finally figured out what I have to do. Don't bother calling me anymore because I won't pick up the phone. I'm tired of being taken for a ride. What we had once was really fun and I really enjoyed it, but it's over between us. There was never anything to begin with so why grasp as straws?
Lose Control by Evanescence. The song I originally dedicated to you. What happened when I lost control and you
benefited. We didn't play so quiet, and I eventually felt guilty and, guess what my lamb? I told. We lost control more than once but I can't cut you down to a thing I can use.
*Edit- I forgot that I had dedicated another song to you.
Goodbye My Lover- James Blunt. I remember sitting in my dorm one night listening to this song at least 10 times in a row trying to fight against the flames that were burning in my heart. Yes, I wanted something more than just sex from you; yes, I would have wanted to give 'us' a try even if only for a few months.
I'm not going to waste anymore time on you, or great songs for that matter. I've deleted your number and I'm working on erasing you from the front of my mind.